
Showing posts from May, 2013

Your Social Media Reputation

The Professional Gal.   A mixture of insight, a different dose of perspective, a touch of wisdom, and mostly concern...   Social media, what a wonderful thing! If you’re smart… But if you are one of those people (a recent college grads, a young adult, or someone how loves to share) looking for employment and ready to start your profession, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram can be your ultimate demise. Recruiters, not only from employers seeking good candidates, but also from colleges and universities are increasingly utilizing social media to gain a better insight into their potential employees or students. ~ * ~ Now let’s take a momement and think about all the changes that have occurred only on Facebook, as far are someone’s ability to see your information… The timeline, friends of friends, and new privacy statements-how private is your Facebook profile?   Oh now remember those parties from your college years, better yet… remember those pic

Be Clever and Stand Out

The Professional Gal. Creative Ideas for Standing Out The New Trend on Online Resumes : My Prezume This is the future of marketing yourself, it displays a level of creativity and professionalism that some may say is a dying trend. Also, this allows you a show someone your personality, your ability to present cleanly, and your communication skills. I will warn you that this does require a time commitment to get it completed, and completed the right way. Email me with any questions you may have about setting up a Prezi account or getting started. ~ * ~ Find me on LinkedIn : Find me on LinkedIn Great for networking and sharing business related information. But remember this is not FaceBook, keep it professional ladies and gentlemen. ~ * ~ New Take on the Traditional Paper Resume : This resume has all of my contact information on it (including name address, email contacts, and phone number).

Leadership Quotes

The Professional Gal.   A mixture of insight, a different dose of perspective, a touch of wisdom, and mostly concern...   Below are some quotes that can change your prospective of the world, help you when you are having difficulties leading, or just need something better than what you have. These quotes come from books that I have read and people that I have met. For some reason these stood out to me and resonated well with me. I have attempted to provide you with all the sources, some of them of fellow co-workers, leaders and peers from within my organization. ~ * ~ “All effective leaders appreciate the power of image, and they strive, to greater or lesser degrees, to develop about themselves an image if leadership suited to the psychology of those they lead.” -Elizabeth I CEO, Strategic Lessons from the Leader Who Built an Empire Leadership is about image, what you convey to your people both internally and externally. Leaders march in front of their troops

Work-Life -What?!?!

The Professional Gal. A wispy blend of wittiness, a dose of significance, a pinch of experience, and size able of love… Being it that it is just after Mothers Day, I figured I would do a piece on work-life balance, work-life integration about work-life "figure it out as you go." Because that is the best that you can do.   The strangest part about this topic to me is that, it is only women who have to answer the work-life question. It seems that only women have to find that good balance and be vocal about it because many times men are not asked how do they do it all. It is the internal struggle that I have to be sure I find time for everyone and everything including me. It is the battle that I face when determining just how motivated am I to succeed and at what price. ~ * ~ A highly successful woman in HR once told me that when her family needs her she is there and when her work needs her she is there. (She is a Chief Human Resource Office for a F

Professional Mission

The Professional Gal.  A light blend of seriousness, a dose of humor, a touch of newly gained wisdom, and tons of love... Whats this about??? This blog is primarily a compilation of my experiences, learning lessons, advice from others in the field, new knowledge. Much of this information is in response to the encounters I have had in the corporate professional world while working for a Fortune 50 organization. Trust me, I will never use names-primarily because I want to protect the people who say things that never cease to amaze me. Also, however, to maintain a high level of integrity and professionalism. A little bit about me, beyond being ambitious and determined, I am very hard working and always looking for new and creative ways to drive change. Have a true love for family, people (some people anyway), handbags, and learning. ~ * ~ Personal Mission I decided to create a personal mission statement that I will hold myself accountable to throughout the duration of my