
Showing posts from January, 2021

A Thorn In My Side - Glowing and Growing

When looking back at many of my posts, you can see and hear ( maybe even feel ) the faith. But I could never quite get myself to say I am here literally by the  Grace of God . I have always flirted with my faith when writing. Never quite proclaiming it but never denying it. Never explicitly attributing it to my life’s work, but not ever saying that it wasn’t the reason. I will always write about practical things and lessons learned in life, both personally and professionally - but the tone has changed a bit. ( I kind of like the way it feels too! )   We all have those people, things, or circumstances that we cannot seem to easily escape. Whether it is a co-worker who seems to be your contrarian. Or the aunt/uncle, cousin, niece, or nephew whose presence seems to bring out the worst characteristics of you. Whether it is the situation that you have been trying desperately to avoid, but keeps coming back around begging to be involved in your life. Or it is the addiction to "XYZ"