
Showing posts from April, 2020

Why Do I Write?

I recently had someone ask me why I write? Why do I write this blog, and have been for about 7 years? Why do all of this work, but I do not get paid for it? Well, my answer is to follow. See, I was on  Instagram  a couple of weeks ago, and I follow a group called the   ChristianGirlBlog . They posted the following bible verse, and at that moment, I had a spark of insight.  "In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16 As the  ChristianGirlBlogs  paraphrases this statement, "Be generous with your loves. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven." Amazing! It really sums up why I write, how I write, and what I write. I wrote a blog a few years ago based on the song  Little Drummer Boy  and Dr. Martin Luther King's Speech -  Street Sweeper . Now I will just disclose my gift is not necessarily

A Rose In A Concrete World

Ladies, this post is just for you. Sorry gentlemen, I can only speak from a woman’s perspective on this one... But let me know your thoughts… This post is purely about standards – I have them, and I try ( sometimes very hard and sometimes I slip into unintentional living ) to uphold them. I find “lack of standards trend” concerning, like very concerning. I, at the present moment, have a 10-year-old daughter and a 4-year-old daughter. I want them to maintain high and realistic standards as it relates to how anyone treats them. Especially how they are treated in romantic and intimate relationships. What I have observed is the systematic devaluing of the standards we set for ourselves. We can see this visible in our interpersonal relationships with other women. Then again, in how we hold men accountable to the way we are expected to be treated, loved, and honored. As women, sometimes, we do not leave a lot of room for us to remind men that we are far too good for this world. Unf

Organized to the Max - My Task Organization System

Given everything that is going on, I have had some emailed questions on how I stay organized. Well, my trick…  OneNote . Now, I want to be sure I preface this post, this process is something I have fine-tuned and continue to do such for over 3 years now. I have found what works well for me, and a digital format does  because this is on my laptop, iPhone, and iPad. I have been using this system for about a solid 3-4 years now. My life ( figurative, maybe not so much - but a lot of my life is on this platform, or whatever you call it. I am not a tech wizard, but I am an OneNote wizard ) is on OneNote. Here is what I keep on OneNote: Tasks & SMART Goals Duvet To Desk Notes ( Drafts, Thoughts, Completed/Posted Blogs ) A notebook from my current and previous career roles HR Theory & Practice Information Faith and Person Development The fantastic thing is OneNote is attached to my safari browser, and I can immediately save articles with the link and information right into

After All, Tomorrow Is Another Day

We all have music that we listen to, but every once in awhile, a song speaks to you in a way that it didn’t before. I was recently driving and jamming out to music (I promise, in my car, I am a rock star!). Then the song " Flames " came on, and I really listened to it, and instantly felt the song in a way that I had not, for the first time.   Don't stop, tomorrow's another day Don't stop, tomorrow you'll feel no pain Just keep moving, oh Don't stop the past it'll trip you up You know, right now's gotta be enough Just keep moving Not to be a huge dweller of all the things happening in the world, but right now is the time for extreme, true and genuine optimism. Now is the time to be kind, be smart, and live our lives. Now is truly the time to sit reflect on your life and begin to design the life you love. Like I said before,  the world slowed down and the time is now . So how will you come out of this? Better than before? Just the