
Showing posts from January, 2019

This Thing Called Wisdom

As I sit here and wonder about life ( which is something I do a lot of; debating, thinking, and reflection on events and happenings ) and I am still really stuck on this thing called  wisdom . I have been spending a lot of time on the book of Proverbs. And I had to ask myself a difficult question, if God Himself came to me and said he would give me any gift I asked for, what would I ask for?  When I was little I remember sitting at Holy Family listening to Father Steve talk about wisdom and King Solomon. And I vividly remember my third grade self being like, “ I want wisdom! I want to be smart!” Such an innocent and young thought - I really believed if I had  wisdom  I could get straight “A”s. It was not until my "adult" life, that I realized that  wisdom does not work that way, not for all of us at least. Unlike Solomon we won’t be blessed with and all encompassing  wisdom , we will, however, be blessed to have experiences that bring us insight that then in turn gain u

Letting Go & Letting Grow: Why Worry… & Let Live

What is the whole point in living this life, if I cannot "live" because I always feel so compelled to "do." I have always loved the song  I Hope You Dance , it has always spoken to me when I needed it most. For the past seven years I have been striving towards a more intentional life. And as I have embarked on this never ending journey of  growth , I have found that I still get caught up in life, lost in the "doing." ( Literally right now, I caught myself getting lost in the "doing." The "doing" being this blog while I look outside and saw my husband and my 2 year old outside playing in the snow. So I stopped writing, threw on some warm and relatively water proof clothes, and ran outside! Because I wanted to Dance . ) The trials, frustration, and worries of everyday; especially as someone who has "never settle(d) for the path of least resistance," can distract us from the living we are meant to do.  As of late, Lord knows