
Showing posts from July, 2013

Cell Phone 101: The Cell Phone in the Office

“ My mind is constantly going. For me to completely relax, I gotta get rid of my cell phone. ” - Kenny Chesney Ok. We have all dealt with it. That person who’s cell phone (that phone is an iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, or Blackberry) is always attached to their hands. That persons whose phone rings during meetings. That person who will take a cell phone call in the middle of a conversation with you (phone offender).   That person who checks mails on their phone and response at 2am. Yea… you know who I am talking about… We ALL know someone… Phones and Meetings: I previously discussed cell phones at meetings in previous blog (July 2, 2013), you have 3 options for phones at meetings. 1.       Completely silence the phone 2.       Phone on vibrate and in your pocket (not sitting on table because vibrations are just as loud on a hard surface as a phone ringing) 3.       Don’t bring the phone to the meeting Please use 1 of the options; this really has to do with respect

Benefits of a Global Experience

The Benefits of a Global Experience  "Communicating in a dynamic world." Tea Time at Harrods Camden Market This exact date last year (July 12, 2013), I had just spend my first entire week in one of my favor places in the world. London, England. By this time I had gotten used to the 6 hour time difference and the Tubes. By this time I had bought my first Louis Vuitton handbag from Harrods and shop the roads of  Camden Market. By this time I had heard languages from every walk of life while walking the streets and the countdown to the 2012 Olympics was underway. Many of the students that I tutor at Robert Morris University ask me was that trip worth it. Was it worth the time I lost at work? Was it worth the extra student loans that I had to take out to cover it? Was it worth the effort I had to put into place to be sure I was one of the 12 people selected? The answer for all of those questions was absolutely yes! 16 Days: 2012 Olmypic Count Down Trafalgar&

Race in the Workplace

Race in the Workplace So, with all the things going on in the media (George Zimmerman trial & Paula Deen) I thought I would visit the topic the makes most people either: uncomfortable or disengaged at work.   Race in the Workplace . I have come to a point in my life where I have began to see things a little bit differently than I may have before.   This has allowed me to develop new opinions and perspectives that I was not capable of possessing. I have also come to a point in time in my life where I no longer want to talk about my “black-ness” every time the issue of diversity and inclusion gets brought up at work. I would rather talk about my capabilities , qualifications , and experiences that have brought me where I am today. We tend to allow ourselves to be easily distracted by the superficial to avoid talking about that deep undercurrent issue. My being black is superficial, but dive deeper and discuss how my being black has impacted my perspective on the world.   No

Top 5 To Do's & Not To Do's in Meetings

The Professional Gal.   A blend of personal belief, a different dose of perception, a touch of good judgment, and mostly professionals... Top 5 To Do's & Not To Do's in Meetings What not to do in meetings ... 1. Chew Gum: Especially if you are one of those people who "smacks" or "pops" gum. That’s what Altoids are for... This is the most irritating thing, other people in the meeting can hear you. Its a huge distraction. 2. Cell Phone on silent: For Pete’s Sake! Turn Your Phone Off! A ringing phone is a distraction to everyone in the meeting. If you have a family emergency and you know you may be getting a call-then make that know before the meeting. People have families, kids, and lives and we will understand. Now vibrate is fine if the phone will not be sitting on a hard table (put the phone in your pocket). Because distracting people with the vibrating of a phone that is on a