
Showing posts from August, 2013

Fear of Flying

All I want to do is soar… I have been asked to do a piece on me personally, my motivation and how I know I am in the right “lane” when it comes to my career and life. (Which in my opinion I am definitely still figuring this part out… but this is a journey and I am along for the ride). It all started with me conquering a fear of mine and taking one risk, I always wanted to get a masters degree and be a “professional” something-5 years ago that was a neuropsychology. Since then I have gone into the business world and developed a passion and itch for learning everything people related. I graduated from Augustana College during the 2008-2009 academic year (EVERYONE knows what that year was like). Needless to say I could only find a retail job working part-time in cosmetics; which I felt was a complete waste of my talents. I wanted so badly to be doing something else and getting a masters but was terrified of the rejection and the ability to not graduate successfully. Looking back, I w

Your Brain and Your Job

Working with a Lazy Brain The brain is such a powerful organ, and many times I do not believe that humans are capable of comprehending just how powerful it is. The best part of it is that it is also lazy. Yes it is true your brain is lazy-why is your brain lazy? Its lazy because how often do you think about the actions that your brain is taking 24/7.  The laziness can be found in the love of patterns. You brain cheats you every single day! It answers many of your questions without you even thinking about the answer. That’s why there is a saying “your mind is already made.” You brain has a preferences for simplicity in function-especially being it that while you are thinking it is also coordinating your muscles that move and pump blood throughout your body, breathing for you, telling your heart how to beat, and perceiving the world around you with your eyes. (AMAZING right?!) Now the question is why does your brain lov