
Showing posts from October, 2018

Letting Go & Letting Grow: Shake It Off

I must start this blog post with saying, when I look at my metrics on my individual post, I get twice as many reads for my posts on my life, perspective, and growth than any of my other more formal/professional knowledge posts. I always thought that the life, perspective, and growth posts were sappy and sad, but I guess there is a message that I somehow manage to convey! Well, I will keep writing about what I learn from The Professional Gals , the good, the bad and the ugly ( lots of ugly ). Ok, now to the topic at hand! I have found that the hardest part of growth is the two-fold realization that: you do not know everything that there is to know - creating a level of embarrassment and humility then, forgiving yourself for the mistakes that you have made - moving past regret, settling with the guilt and embracing the journey Once you get to that place, you can kind of just  Shake It Off , in the good words of Taylor Swift ( yes, I went there... I had too! ) I'

The Road Less Traveled

This very day 4 years ago, October 3, 2014, I posted on  Facebook :  [ Caution: I will not be held responsible for anything posted prior to 2009, those were my formidable college years… when no one in college thought Facebook would become a public form… ] T he Road Not Taken   I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. -Robert Frost At that moment in time in my life, it really meant just standing out. You know-the whole blaze your own trail ideal. Doing the things that set me apart, make me independent, change the world; personally and professionally. Now, that started off pretty easy, until it wasn’t anymore. ( Much like the road... we can see it is less traveled, but at some point it becomes VERY less traveled. ) When the time came for me to choose a side. To pick a battle. To voice a concern. To be honest ( wi