
Showing posts from July, 2014

A Personal Note...

Over a Year: Thank You! I would not have ever imagined that a twenty-something with a few good ideas (well, I like to think they are pretty darn good...!) would have been as well received as I have been. Thank you for the success of this blog, I would have never thought that when I published for the first time in May of 2013, that I would have a blog with over 3,100 views! That is about 220 views a month... Wow! Thank you!   The Professional Gal went from small surface level advice blog, with post regarding  cell phones  at work, to sharing my personal stories on  failure  and my  attitude towards personal progress . I feel as though this blog has been tremendous in my own personal growth and development. It has allowed me to do 2 amazing things: 1. Reflect on my life and learn from some of the best and worse Tiffany's.  2. (most important...) Share this journey with you! In genuine hopes that someone will get some sound advice on either personal or business re

Learning Through the Lows

Part 2 of 2 Oh, The Places You'll Go! So it has now been understood that there are high and low points in life . The good that comes of these low points is knowing that now you have become better and grown as a person because of it. Not everyone gets or wants to do this sort of learning... Only those who are willing and open enough to consciously reflect on past events will be capable of thriving from low points. Some could say, "well aren't you just living in the past then." My answer would be, "no." Here's why... Most of the learning I have done has been while experiencing the lows. Now, during the lows at first you may not see the lesson written on the wall. But once you have stumbled and fallen a couple of times, you become much better at picking yourself up. ( This is where the learning is critical. ) And eventually, you just stop falling. (...But because we are human it is in our nature to error-so we will stumble.) But, now you know how to

The Highs and Lows of Life

Part 1 of 2 There is this little known fact of life, that until you have reached the lowest points in your life do you really have a true appreciation for the high points in life. Many times we seem to get caught in the daily shuffle and not realize that until you have seen difficulty, or felt pain, that a true understanding of joy is very difficult to attain. Therefore, the fact remains that any type of emotional involvement, with ANYTHING in life, can bring extreme highs and extreme lows; but experiencing these lows and highs is better than experiencing nothing at all. Hence the Tennyson quote... My life over the past several years   plotted on a scale of 1-10, broken   down to a tenth of a point.  Now, I in my live have experienced some tremendous lows. During those lows it was as if I was walking in a field filled with smoke and had no idea what the next step was going to look like or what it could bring. On the other side of the coin I have felt joy beyond joy. I once

Digging Deep for Progress

So I would like to preface this blog with a confession of sorts... I will be completely honest with you all... I LOVE the movie Titanic. Just keep that in mind throughout this post. As I began this journey in life I think back to the movie and begin to analyze the risk the iceberg posed to the ship and its passenger. I think about the possible outcome if warnings had been heeded ,and greed and arrogance not determined the fate of the ship.  Then I turn to my own life and the ship I lead in my personal and professional life. Then thinking of the icebergs that pose a risk to my ship and all who are vested in its journey. Another one of my favorite organizational psychology ideas, to learn more click here . The iceberg principle, as applied to my own life, is the notion that we must invest more in a deeper and wider understanding of human interactions with one another. The technical Buisness definition is the "o bservation that in many (if not most)  cases  onl