
Showing posts from May, 2014

Active Engagement in YOUR Career Development

Dans les champs de l'observation le hasard ne favorise que les esprits préparés. In the fields of observation chance favors only the prepared mind . - Louis Pasteur There is this notion that for one person to do well and be successful that another person has to be hurt in some kind of way. This same ideal and principle is behind the argument to increase minimum wage. Ironically enough I have seen and heard this same idea in a lot in career development discussions. This whole belief and idea that is it up to someone else to make things happen for their career-the idea that it is all about "who you know."  In reality is more about  who knows you , who knows your work, who can speak up for you when you are not around... I have found that some people truly believe that we live in a utopian society (Oh! By the way, we do not...).  We live in a society in which there are external and internal factors and variables that must be taken into consideration when we