
Showing posts from September, 2015

Constantly Thinking: Street Sweeper: Best You

When I was younger ( I say that like I am just super-aged now... ), I literally spent years of my life trying, very hard and unsuccessfully , to be someone I was not. I "pledged" a sorority that was not for me. I dated people who were not meant for me, simply because their "success" defined who I was. I attempted to befriend people who had literally nothing in common with me. Until one day, it all fell apart... I could not longer pretend, and worse I did not know myself at all. I did not know what I wanted to do in life, I did not know who I wanted to be, I did not know why I wanted to be. Thankfully, a short time after this difficult period in life for me, my daughter was born and cleared almost all of the blinding smoke out of my life. I slowly began to understand me and see the world from a different, fresh, and me-like perspective. I recently posted on " Little Drummer Boy: Being Your Best Self ," which led me down the path to further investigate t

Guess What?!

Wow! It seems as though I have been neglecting Duvet To Desk! But I swear to you that is not true! I have quite literally been exhausted (and nauseous), in every way, shape and form! Why am I so sick and not feeling like myself these days? Well… that is because the family has some exciting news, we will be making another huge addition to our family mid-February. Emma’s birthday, to be exact. We are having a baby! But truly, I am so sorry for the lack of post. (I don’t remember our first daughter being so difficult on my body, but I have days where I don’t want to even get out of bed.) I have about 4 drafted posted, but have either not found the energy or the focus to complete the post the way I wanted. But now that I am slowly getting my energy back and beginning to feel like myself I am re-engaged! As for new baby, my husband and I have an ongoing bet ($200) that I would not be capable of waiting to find out the gender of the baby until delivery. I WILL be waiting until

When I Grow Up...

Call Yourself by the Name You Want to Be Called I have had a couple people who read Duvet To Desk ask me why I began writing.  There are a couple a good reasons (good in my mind at least…) that I write and will continue to write this blog. 1: I was told by a couple of my undergraduate professors that I was a terrible writer. For some reason it took some worldly experience for me to begin connecting the dots . And, by connecting the dots, I mean tying information together in a way that my reader can understand that message I am attempting to convey. Then it leads to asking the right questions. Eventually I found that the world became a little bit clearer.  The things happening around me, on multiple levels, began to make more sense. I keep six honest serving-men They taught me all I knew; Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who. -The Elephants Child 2: I was told by a very successful (and much admired) former supervisor of mine that the ability