
Showing posts from November, 2017

Organizational Health Drives Intentional D&I

I don't know. I just don't know. I have been doing a lot of thinking, research, and reading about organizational health (culture) and diversity/inclusion. I cannot quite put my finger on it, but I don't know if anyone has gotten it all "that" right. We’ve always looked to our tech giants and thought, “they got it, they are the gold standard.” But even Google has taken some culture beatings as of late.  If the foundation (organizational health and engagement)  are not present, during the intentional drive for D&I. Then the output for a truly diverse and inclusive culture will not exist. Diversity and Inclusion cannot grow in an unhealthy organization.  Now I am beginning to wonder, if diversity and inclusion can be a intended outcome of strong organizational culture. Further, when such initiatives, like diversity, inclusion or women in leadership, for example, do not take root within an organization and do not show signs of behavior change, is it do to

Change Is Sounds Fun… Right?

I have always been a bit of an early adopter, the person that for the most part thought of change as a fun and exciting adventure. For example, if you regularly read this blog, you would know 2 things about me: That life is far to short to not enjoy most of it - although I sometimes forget that... Framing (or Re-Framing) of situations will drive your behavior and therefore the outcome. Thus, for me "change" is always something that does not bother me much. I tend to push through the change curve relatively quickly. I may not look forward to it, but I by no means dread it or actively refuse it. But, if you knew my background you would understand it a bit more. I had learned to love change by the very nature of my life. For the past 12 years, I have lived in 11 homes. That is correct, 11!   That means I have been averaging about 1 year and 1 month in my homes before I move. I have relocated my family 2 times over 800 miles each time. I have worked for 3