
Showing posts from April, 2015

I'm So Bored with the Conversation: Inaction is Not Action

This is something a couple of months ago I said I would not post (even with several request), however I am so tired . I am tired of the constant and consistent discussion of "woe is me." I am bored with it! Seriously and quiet literally bored! Knowing that this same conversation, insert new name, continues borderline infuriates me. I know many in academia, many of the major networks "talking heads," several TV commentators, and other would be authors would be without a job , a platform , or their f ortune and fame if they did not so vocally perpetuate and contribute to this discussion.  With that I promise I will keep this short and a bit obscure... I am defined by my morals , my personality , my own personal truths , my strength and my dignity . However, I am not defined by my "blackness" or my "woman-ness."  I had NO choice in either of those matters. But what I do possess is a God given level of influence on the direction and course of

The Basketball Team Analogy

Which Route Will You Take With March Madness in full swing ( Go Wisconsin! ), brackets busted, hearts happy, and your office pool down the drain; I only found it fitting to finally post the Team Analogy. There is the idea that for me to succeed you have to fail, this idea, wherever it may have come from is extremely counter productive and dangerous. ( Check out a previous post about this idea... ) But lets dive in… Now imagine this, you are a member of a strong and successful basketball team. The team consist of about 10 players, but you are the 6th man. Therefore, you are a key and critical player, the  relief and reinforcement for your team. But you may not be the "star" and you more than likely do not start in any of the games. But you do get a good amount of court time and you play a key role in the success of the team. However, as the 6th man you aspire to more, you want to do more you want more responsibility within the team. Here is where we determine the t