
Showing posts from April, 2014

A Tribute to Forrest Gump

It has been 20 years since the amazingly produced, directed, and acted movie "Forrest Gump" changed American Cinema in 1994. This movie has always been a favorite of mine. If it is on TV I can't help but watch it, I love the DVD, I watch it when I travel on Netflix, and my daughter loves it too. Such a simple person with a appreciation for the true beauty and meaning of life. (Honestly I cry... I cry when Bubba passes, I cry when Forrest meets his son, and I cry when Jenny passes. I love love love the relationship with between Forrest and his Mother, Jenny, Bubba, Lieutenant Dan, and his beautiful son...) There are some very simple lessons from such a very simple person: 1. If you notice at the beginning and end of the movie a feather is blowing in the wind... "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your going to get."  Our lives are like the feathers blowing in the wind; we do not know our final destination at the beginning but we should

Growth Through Self Reflection

Thank You & Keep Learning! So after reviewing my blog post over the past year: the comments, the emails, and the dialogue that has taken place, I began to notice a pattern… Y’all (that’s the new Texan in me…) love it when I post on my life lessons. These tend to be some of the harder post for me to compose and require more effort than the post regarding entry level working advice. Many of these blog post are much harder to compose in a clear, understandable and relatable thought because the post require a higher level of self reflection and honesty. When you are delaing with difficult situaions it is very difficult to look back at the choas and try to sort it out in an objective way to really understand the situation. Sometimes ...? Who am I kidding...? Many times these lessons are painful. But I must hold my head up because I am better for it now.   In the midst of the storm you cannot see the sun, but the sun has always been there. Much like in the misdt of a life changi