
Showing posts from March, 2018

Play the Hand You Are Dealt

Being it that I am in Texas right, I thought this would be appropriate, and much needed... We all have a very general concept and understanding of Texas Hold 'Em; a form of poker. Anyone who plays Texas Hold 'Em knows, that you play the cards that you were dealt. During the course of the game you cannot ask the dealer for new cards and you cannot say, "you don't like these cards." You play, what you are dealt. To be honest, you kind of fake it 'til you make it. Keeping that concept in mind, for quite some time now, I have been engulfed in these discussions around strategic talent acquisition. I here all the time, "well… we did not find the right fit," or "we cannot find candidates with strong technical/functional skills,'" or "we need more experienced candidates," or "they didn’t possess 100% of the competencies and technological/functional knowledge we require.'"  When I hear that, I usually want