
Showing posts from May, 2019

A Mothers Day Message: No Matter What

To the World- (Sorry Charley, this one is not meant for you, but your day is coming, I promise!) I remember listening to this song when I was pregnant with my oldest daughter, Emma, in the absolute darkest time of my life, 2009/2010. The song was titled    No Matter What .  The irony is that  No Matter What   is an older song, it came to popularity in 1998. That was the summer of the boy band craze ( you know - Backstreet Boys v. N*Sync - BSB for life! ) I literally had 0 interest in the song at the time, like, who was Boy Zone?! ( Says 7th grade Tiffany )  Then I re-discovered  No Matter What  as an adult ; and found it to be one of the most beautiful songs that spoke to my heart. Hearing the line, " No matter what the end is, my life began with you. " I vividly remember sitting in my gray Saturn Vue driving to a job I hated pregnant and broke ( broke-broke! ) - and crying. But this wasn’t a normal cry, this was a deep cry. A cry that came from my soul, a perfec

Letting Go & Letting Grow: Beware of the Toxic Things

I know - I know! You have seen a huge focus from me on toxic circumstances. But all things work together for a greater good-and sometimes certain people at certain life stages do not work well. Very much oil and water-they don’t mix! Here is where the confusion begins to set in-how can something/someone that seemed good or seemed needed be so bad for you. ( Well, honestly it was a superficial want… ) Then I came across a quote that made it all seem, just a bit clearer “you cannot heal in the same environment that made you sick.” You must move out of your current circumstance - check out my previous post of Freedom Aint Easy .  I have been in some text book toxic environments, however by the grace of God to decided enough was enough. What makes freedoms and growth so hard is that the same things we thought we loved, masked in a beauty; are rotting us from the inside. Unfortunately, we often don’t realize it until after we have gotten to close- sometimes too close to easily ge

Make It Happen May: Who Am I?

I decided to sneak this post into the series of  Make It Happen May . Why? How can we really begin to self reflect, evaluate, and grow if we do not know our current state? How can we really become who we want and desire to be if, we do not know who we are today? Recently while on a business trip - I was asked, “who are you?”  This question wasn’t asked in the normal context of, “who are you?” And my reply was not that of the typical, “Oh, I am Tiffany” kind of sense.  It was asked in the “who are you really - at the end of this life, who are you?” This is what I came up with… Who am I? I am vast I am bold  I am intentional  I am classic with a modern twist  I am authentic  I am flawed and imperfect  I am faith filled and tested I am me.  Reading it back, it sounds super easy and pretty, but the journey to getting to this place with not pathed in rainbows and gold. The truth behind it all is that - iron sharpens iron, it was a tough road and a calling to get here.

Make It Happen May

Well... it is  May  - Finally! Especially for those of us who live in the northern states and had to mentally and physically cope an insufferable winter. ( Seriously winter was doing the absolute most this year! With forceful reminders that it had no plans to leave… )  I have over the course of several years, fine tuned my messaging for this blog. With that, I decided to do a series called "Make It Happen May." These post will really focus on Making It Happen for the month of May. Letting Go & Letting Grow: Beware of the Toxicity If Only You Pay Attention My Cup Overflow-ith: What Does That Really Mean?! Faith Is Not Enough & Life Is Not An Audition If we take a moment to stop and to reflect, this is such an amazing time of year. Graduations. Pools. Travel. Warmth. Color. Memorial Day. Picnics. BBQs. Mothers Day. Schools Letting Out ( maybe depending on your snow days… winter left another cruel reminder! ) So follow along with me at